Synopsis of Pacific Rim:
In the near future, giant monsters identified as "Kaiju" have risen from a crevasse in the Pacific Ocean, resulting in a war which takes millions of lives and quickly consumes humanity's resources. To combat this new threat, a special type of weapon is designed: massive robots, known as Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. As time passes, even the powerful Jaegers prove almost defenseless in the face of a relentless enemy.
On its last stand and on the verge of defeat, the remaining defending forces of mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)—and the weapon they are teamed to pilot; a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the early trials of the mechanical titans...Wikipedia
"Oh, this is not even the correct list of movies to see before Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim. This is an entirely another list, more suitable for introduction of movies like Rolland Emmerich's Godzilla. For Pacific Rim, you should do a list of animes like Mazinger Z, Voltus V, God Sigma, Gundam, Patlabor, and especially Neon Genesis Evangelion. You may even add Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Those are the correct list of introduction to Pacific Rim.
However, Del Toro speaks about the fight sequence and tries to play down any anime connection.
"In creating Pacific Rim, I wanted the fights to have structure, like the wrestling matches of my childhood, so each fight brings a very different kind of aesthetic and a different dynamic. The first fight is very operatic, theatrical: Wagnerian. It happens in the middle of an iceberg-strewn sea, in the middle of a storm, with huge waves crashing on the Jaeger and Kaiju. We worked really hard at making water a character in this movie, frequently referring to Hokusai or the Fuji wave, and trying to make the water enhanced and add to the drama. This fight tries to quote the majesty of a painting by Goya called the Colossus."
Sounds more like Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen or Ring cycle...not to be confused with Lord of the rings by Tolkien.
Whatever the case I will see Pacific Rim...if for no other reason than I grew up on old Godzilla movies and I just love Giant robots.
Dragon One
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