Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Candidate for Harry Dresden...Tom Hiddleston... when they finally make the movie.

All right I have gone and done it. I threw my hat into the ring. I am making a stand. You may ask, “What is he standing for and will it come back to harm him? So here it is, when the new Harry Dresden movie is finally made and it will be made in my lifetime …which is getting shorter as I write this blog. Harry Copperfield Dresden should be played by Thomas Hiddleston… you know him as Loki

Will I change my mind? It’s possible but for now he is my pick and will remain it till a better candidate comes along. Why am I so adamant about Hiddleston. I am sold on him because of his impromptu performance at Comic Con. He made a surprise guest appearance at the Marvel Panel  for Thor 2 The Dark World to screaming fans as Loki. He quieted the entire crowd in Hall H. without saying a word. I find that impressive because Hall H holds over 6000 fans. Do not take my word for it, watch this You Tube video. He would bring with him massive numbers of Marvel fans. Now we are talking about serious numbers and in Hollywood it is all about the numbers.

Here are some of the comments after his appearance.

- Loki manages a crowd better than Hitler
-Only Loki can insult humanity and force everyone to say his name,then get cheered
   for it....I,proudly state,that I am one of those who cheered.
-They shouldn't make a movie about Thor... It should be a movie about Loki...
- I was squealing and giggling just as much as the people there...and I'm sitting in my living
   room with my family looking at me like I'm mental
- One of the most evil comic creations. Everybody loves him to pieces.
- Loki: Humanity look how far you've fallen. The Crowd: yahhhhhhhhhhhh

Here is a rare look at Thomas Hiddleston's at Nerd HQ at the San Diego Comic Con answering questions from fans. I thought he was awesome.

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